JJL Guitars / JJL One Single And Double Cut / Various / Guitar For Sale

JJL Guitars are exclusive and rare custom, "heirloom" instruments made from completely different principles to conventional bolt-on, or glued-on neck, multi-laminated guitars.


A JJL guitar is made from one piece of old growth honduras mahogany (swietenia macrophylla) that has no neck joint at all. This is not a neck through but a 3 dimensional scultpture out of one piece of wood.The mahogany has been recovered from the Belize river after 150 years under water. Alternatively, we also use real English walnut, grown in England (juglans regis). This wood is actually even rarer, harder to source and has truly beautiful figuring.

JJL guitars are made on the same principle as a piano. They have a special beta titanium "acoustic chassis" which connects our innovative, titanium "Atlantic bridge" (tremolo or fixed) directly to our titanium" Zero" nut.

In other words as with a piano, the strings are strung across a metal frame in the wood - although in this case one piece of wood. This makes for incredible sustain and rich colourful overtones and harmonics - check out our videos.

All of the exclusive custom JJL designed hardware including the Zero nuts (locking or standard, compensated or uncompensated), Atlantic bridges, "Ice blades" pickup covers, knobs, buttons, "Ray" pegs etc., are all made out of titanium and hand polished.


Frets can be specified as:

a)    Conventional Fretwire

b)    JJL custom Tungsten carbide

c)    JJL custom Zirconium in brilliant black or brilliant white (yes all the way through - another World first!


There has never been anything quite like a JJL One before in the history of guitar design. They are built to last for literally hundreds of years and have previously unseen innovationations brought to the World for the first time.


Each series model is a limited edition of 99 signed instruments and comes in a specially designed luxury carbon fibre case with tracker and humidty control.

Call for price

JJL Guitars, UK  

Contact name:
Jeremy Lewis
JJL Guitars
Opening hours:

JJL Guitars are exclusive and rare custom, "heirloom" instruments made from completely different principles to conventional bolt-on, or glued-on neck, multi-laminated guitars.

A JJL guitar is made from one piece of old growth honduras mahogany (swietenia macrophylla) that has no neck joint at all. This is not a neck through but a 3 dimensional scultpture out of one piece of wood.The mahogany has been recovered from the Belize river after 150 years under water. Alternatively, we also use real English walnut, grown in England (Juglans Regis). This wood is actually even rarer and harder to source and has truly beautiful figuring.

The guitars are made on the same principle as a piano. They have a beta titanium "acoustic chassis" which connects our innovative, titanium "Atlantic bridge" (tremolo or fixed) directly to our titanium" Zero" nut (locking or non locking), compenstated and height adjustable.

In other words as with a piano, the strings are strung across a metal frame in the wood - although in this case - one piece of wood.

This makes for incredible sustain and rich colourful overtones and harmonics - check out our videos.

All of the exclusive custom JJL designed hardware including the Zero nuts, Atlantic bridges, "Ice blades" pickup covers, knobs, buttons, pegs etc., are all made out of titanium and hand polished.

There has never been anything quite like a JJL One before in the history of guitar design. Each series model is a limited edition of 99 signed instruments.

We currently build to order, however a very small stock of new instruments may be shown for sale in Spring next year. Each instrument is signed and one of 99 limited edition in this series.

Price and terms on application

  Send message to: JJL Guitars, UK
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