Vintage Semi-hollowbody

Vintage Semi-hollowbody Basses For sale
21 Vintage Semi-hollowbody for sale from dealers, builders and luthiers
Vintage Semi-hollowbody Basses For sale
Semi hollowed bass’s were designed and made when bass manufacturers decided to attempt to strike a balance between hollowed bodied basses and solid bodied basses. This was also done with the guitar, but before it had been done with the bass.
Semi hollow’s hit a mixture and balance between solid and hollowed bodied basses. It’s heavier then the hollow but lighter then the solid. It can create unique tunes and tones that neither the hollow or solid can hit, it is also said to have a greater sustain, much like the guitar version. This variation of the bass dates to around the 1950’s and 1960’s, when basses were becoming increasingly popular and were being marketed more. A lot of bass variations date back to these times. offers a wide range of semi hollow bodied basses for sale that come in a variety of materials and fit a lot of music genres. Acoustic or electric? You decide. It’s all up to you. Some extras to also improve your music can be found in the various bass sections, such as the Parts & Accessories section. Can’t find what you want? Always check back at as our listings update regularly.