Thunder Road Guitars, USA USA

  • Info:

  • Frank Gross

  • Fine vintage and used guitars and amplifiers from Fender, Gibson, Gretsch, Rickenbacker, Martin, Guild, Marshall, Vox, Dr. Z, Matchless, Silvertone, Supro, Airline, Orange, and other great brands.

  • English

  • Fine vintage and used guitars

  • Open 8 days a week!

  • View Thunder Road Guitars website here

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Latest Blog Posts from Thunder Road Guitars
Storytellers Vol. 2
by Thunder Road Guitars May 25th, 2012
In March I wrote a blog titled “Storytellers” that was a really cool story from our friend Pete in the UK about how he got to see Eric Clapton before……Well, before he was all that he is known for today. Pete bought a really cool Firebird V from us earlier this year and is currently rocking and recording with it. A large part of why I love what we do here at Thunder Road Guitars is the fact that we often get the opportunity to connect with folks of all ages and backgroun
Come On Pops, Let's Go To The Guitar Show.
by Thunder Road Guitars May 19th, 2012
When I was a kid, maybe 11 or 12 years old my dad would always take me to vintage guitar shows here in Seattle. I tell ya, being a young kid and seeing hundreds and hundreds of guitars and tons of people buying, trading, selling, and admiring instruments  was quite the experience. At some of these shows it often looked like a scene from wall street. You could literally feel the excitement in the room. Things were happening so fast a guitar could be gone, sold, and re-sold in the blink of a
The Weird Ones Vol. 2
by Thunder Road Guitars May 7th, 2012
Last month I wrote a blog titled, “The Weird Ones” and in a way it was my ode to brands like Silvertone, Airline, and Kay from the 60s. Don’t get me wrong, I love the more common stuff, like Strats, Teles, Les Pauls, etc. But part of what I love about what I do is finding the more odd & rare stuff and getting all CSI on these instruments to find what people love about them. This week I got in something I had never seen before and really had it throw me through a loop. Here&
That Smell.
by Thunder Road Guitars May 4th, 2012
Yesterday I was boxing up a beautiful 1961 Fender Musicmaster, which is heading to our new friend David in France and I was inspired by a certain something the guitar had going on. It wasn’t the look, the tone, or the feel, although those features are all fantastic, it was the smell.  Yes, the smell.  You see, some vintage guitars and cases have a certain scent to them. Not a nasty or musty smell, but rather just the smell of something that has aged well over 50 years. Most the


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