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Rotemar Guitars / R-0 / 2013 / Clear Gloss Nitrocellulose / Guitar

Instrument sold

Rotemar Guitars, Sweden  

Contact name:
Niklas Rotemar
Rotemar Guitars
Swedish & English
Handbuilt Guitars
Opening hours:
By Appointment


For me, the guitar is more than an instrument, it´s an musical extension of oneself. Therefore it´s crucial that the guitar lives up to the expectations and demands from the player. 

Since my guitars are handmade and built on demand, it leaves a lot of  room for you to bring your own influences to the guitar, both visually and tonal.
I strive to make my guitars as responsive as possible, I want them move in the same way as your fingers. If you play them gently, they will answer gently, if you play them intensively, they will answer that way. To achive this I spend a lot of time focusing on the top of the guitar to get the stiffness and tone that

I´m looking for. I´m constantly tapping, listening, flexing, carving and making adjustments to the top during this process.

To me, this makes the guitar become an extension of you and your musical expression.

When ordering a guitar from me you will become an important part of the creation of a new guitar. Together we discuss what kind of guitar you want and then coming up with the best solution to reach that goal, regarding tonewoods, neck profile etc. 

It´s very important for me that you´ll feel involved in the process, and I will regularly send you pictures of the building process.

  Send message to: Rotemar Guitars, Sweden
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